When will it stop snowing?

Publié le par Moa

IMG 0202

Monday morning 1st february 2010, 6:30am: departure from Loosdrecht to go to Groningen, 180 kms further north
7:39am: am about 50 kms further and with about as many kilometers of jam ahead of me on the A6 motorway only. Total standstill
8:30am: they closed the bridge down, trucks were sliding backwards on the road...not good
9:00am: manage to take the last exit out of the A6, today's worldwide biggest ice ring
11:30am: finally got to work after taking a massive detour and risking my life on very slippery roads

180kms in 5 hours, an average of 36kms per hour. Impressive.

The Netherlands counted a record 2628km of jams on this beautiful white Monday 

Publié dans Annoying & Co

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