New rule

Publié le par Moa

Yesterday I introduced a new rule, which Nico and Manue implemented succesfully some years ago with George and Louise. Chloé got a very nice alarm clock (well, if you like Barbie and pink) and from now on, she is only allowed to come and wake me up in the morning in week ends when there is an 8:... on the clock. We tried it this morning and it kind of worked. OK, she first called me at 7am to check she had understood the rule well (oups) but after that she staid in her room until 8am, whilst I got a bit of that extra Sunday morning sleep I have so missed in the last 24 months...Fingers crossed we have a deal here for the next couple of years.

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Come on, it's not that bad, especially if you are 4!
Ok, at first... very shocked at the color and the ugliest clock perhaps... in the world. BUT.. on the other hand, if it does the trick... kudos on a job well done :)<br /> Hope it works. Fingers crossed!
Oo purée!! Il arrache le réveil !! :o))